Tips for New Gun Owners

Buying your first gun can be an exciting time, but it can also come with hazards if you don’t take the proper precautions before using it. You should always look up how to correctly handle any firearm and take classes before purchasing a gun so that you know what you want and how to use it. Once you’ve purchased one, there are several accessories you’ll want to invest in to keep your property and yourself safe.


All gun owners should have some way to safely store their firearms when they aren’t being used or carried. Plenty of gun safes are available for those who want to keep their firearms close at home. You can get large ones (ideal for collectors) or small ones that easily fit by the bedside. What you choose simply depends on your lifestyle. If you only plan on using your gun at specific times, you can look into storage options near you. For example, if you live in the Toronto area, google “gun storage Toronto” to find a nearby location.


Since guns are not toys, it makes sense that you need some protective gear to wear when using a firearm. You can ask for the latest protective wear at any local gun store, but the basics include eye and ear protection. Look for different eye protection depending on the conditions you’ll be in when using the gun, and consider what type of firearm you have when picking out ear inspection.

Cleaning Kits

As a responsible gun owner, you’ll want to keep your gun clean at all times. Guns can rust over time, so having the right equipment to keep them clean is essential. Put a cleaning kit together specifically for your own guns, as all guns require some specialized tools. Take your environment into account, as more humid weather can have drastically different effects on firearms than dry weather.

Transportation Bags

Your laptop and other devices probably have their own special cases for transport, so why would a gun be any different? Get a bag that fits your weapon, as well as anything else that you might need to go with it. Consider it a to-go bag, and make sure all accessories can be stored neatly inside for quick and easy transport. Gun ownership comes with many perks, and you can get the most out of it by being prepared with the right tools and accessories.