Hosting a golf outing is a great way to raise funds and provide a day of fun in the sun for your participants, but it also takes a lot of work. It’s important to come in prepared in order to get the best results with your tournament. Here are three keys to success when you plan your next golf event.
#1. Set a Budget
When planning an outing there are many different expenses and sources of income that need to be considered. Before you can start making decisions on what to include, you need to know how much you have available to spend versus how much you’ll be taking in. Once you get your finances in order you can then move on to deciding on the details.
#2. Offer Cash and Prizes
Some of the biggest draws of a golf outing for many participants are the various golf tournament contests and raffles throughout the day. Giving golfers something to compete for during the day, as well as some random drawings for those whose days don’t go as planned, make the event just a little bit more engaging for everyone on the course.
#3. Find Corporate Sponsors
If you find that the above two bullets seem to be in opposition, with your desired list of prizes and awards taking a big chunk out of your budget, then getting corporate sponsors is the perfect solution. By allowing local businesses to sponsor holes or even the big prize events, you provide them with advertising in exchange for significantly reducing the operating costs of your event.
Proper planning is essential if you want to have a successful golf outing. If you keep these tips in mind the next time you’re planning a golf tournament you can be sure that you’ll have positioned your event for success. The work of planning will all feel worth it when you put on an amazing golf outing for all your participants!… Read More..